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Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening can restore the natural color of your teeth to their natural bright white.

As your enamel wears down, the protective coating on your teeth is eroded and your teeth can become discolored. Teeth whitening can restore the natural color of your teeth to their natural bright white.

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry recommend using custom-fitted mouth tray created by your dentist to whiten your teeth.

Before starting the whitening process, we will thoroughly clean your teeth and treat any existing dental problems like decay or gum disease. From there, an impression is taken of your teeth which is used to fashion a custom mouth tray. Dr. Beshay will provide instructions on how to use and answer questions or concerns you may have. The trays are used with a whitening gel and are worn at home for a specified number of hours and days each week.

Our patients are amazed at how quickly they see results at home and how white their teeth turn with convenient at-home treatments. An occasional treatment now and then is all you’ll need to keep your teeth looking bright and sparkly white.

Contact Dr. Beshay for a brighter smile today!

Addressing Whitening Risks

Side Effects

Teeth whitening can lead to tooth sensitivity and gum irritation, but these effects are usually temporary. They tend to diminish after the treatment. To minimize side effects, it’s crucial to follow the instructions provided with the whitening product or procedure. Consulting a dentist is also important before starting any teeth whitening treatment.

Using professional-grade products and following proper procedures during in-office treatments can help protect the enamel from damage. Dentists take precautions to ensure that the enamel remains unharmed during the whitening process, so when done correctly, teeth whitening does not damage the enamel.

Enamel Protection

It’s essential for individuals with pre-existing dentin sensitivity to consult a dentist before undergoing any teeth whitening treatment. This precaution helps prevent further discomfort or complications related to dentine damage. The temporary sensitivity experienced in the dentin layer typically subsides after completing the teeth whitening procedure.

Dentine Damage

Over-bleaching due to excessive or prolonged use of teeth whitening products can lead to tooth sensitivity and potential enamel damage. Following recommended treatment durations and consulting with a dentist is crucial in preventing over-bleaching and its associated risks.

Maintaining White Teeth

Best Practices

Following proper oral hygiene practices is crucial for maintaining white teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are essential to prevent staining and discoloration. Using whitening products as directed and avoiding staining substances are also best practices. For example, using a straw when drinking beverages that may cause stains can minimize contact with the teeth.

Preventing Stains

To prevent stains on the teeth, it’s important to avoid or minimize consumption of staining substances like coffee, tea, and red wine. Rinsing the mouth after consuming these substances can reduce staining. Regular brushing and flossing help remove surface stains and maintain oral hygiene.

Managing Sensitivity

Managing tooth sensitivity during and after teeth whitening treatments is crucial. Using desensitizing toothpaste or gels can help alleviate sensitivity. It’s also advisable to avoid hot or cold foods/drinks immediately after treatment to reduce sensitivity. Consulting with a dentist for personalized recommendations is important for individuals with sensitive teeth.

Regular Care Routine

Incorporating teeth whitening products into a regular oral care routine helps maintain whiteness. Brushing twice a day with whitening toothpaste and using mouthwash can aid in preventing stains. Regular dental cleanings remove surface stains while maintaining overall oral health.

Evaluating Safety and Efficacy

Safety Standards

Teeth whitening products available in reputable stores are designed to meet safety standards. Whether it’s a whitening toothpaste or strips, these products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they are safe for use. Dentists follow strict safety protocols when performing in-office treatments to safeguard the well-being of their patients. It’s crucial for individuals opting for at-home treatments to choose professional-grade products and meticulously adhere to the provided instructions, ensuring their safety throughout the process.

  • Teeth whitening products in reputable stores adhere to safety standards
  • Dentists follow strict safety protocols during in-office treatments
  • Choosing professional-grade products and following instructions ensures safety during at-home treatments

Efficacy of Methods

The effectiveness of teeth whitening methods varies based on several factors, including the severity of stains and individual response. In-office treatments often yield more noticeable results due to the application of higher concentrations of bleaching agents by trained professionals. On the other hand, at-home methods may offer gradual improvement but might not achieve the same level of efficacy as professional procedures.

  • The efficacy depends on various factors such as severity of stains and individual response
  • In-office treatments tend to be more effective due to higher concentrations of bleaching agents
  • At-home methods may provide gradual improvement but may not achieve similar effectiveness

Natural Shade Restoration

Teeth whitening can effectively restore teeth back to their natural shade after being affected by staining or discoloration. Professional-grade treatments have the capability to eliminate deep-seated stains and bring back the original color of teeth. Conversely, natural methods might lead to a more subtle enhancement in shade restoration compared with professional interventions.

Teeth whitening can restore the natural shade that has been affected by staining or discoloration.

Professional treatments can remove deep stains and bring back original color.

Natural methods may provide a more subtle improvement in shade restoration.


You’ve learned the key factors for maintaining white teeth and evaluated the safety and efficacy of various whitening methods. Now, it’s time to take action. Choose your teeth whitening method wisely, considering both effectiveness and safety. Whether it’s professional treatment or at-home remedies, prioritize your dental health while aiming for a brighter smile.

Remember, consulting a dentist is crucial to ensure the chosen method aligns with your specific needs. With the right approach, you can achieve a dazzling smile without compromising your oral health. Start your journey towards whiter teeth today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Teeth whitening is generally safe when performed by a professional using approved methods. However, it’s essential to consult with a dentist before undergoing any whitening treatment to ensure it’s suitable for your dental health.
The duration of teeth whitening results varies depending on factors such as lifestyle, diet, and oral hygiene practices. Typically, professional treatments can maintain their effects for 6 months to 2 years with proper care.
Potential risks include tooth sensitivity and gum irritation. These side effects are usually temporary and can be managed with desensitizing products recommended by dentists. It’s crucial to follow post-whitening care instructions for optimal safety.

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